Why today’s youths are more prone to Hearth-Attacks? Visit the best cardiologist clinic in Bhubaneswar today and save your Heart
There has been a huge surge in heart attack cases among younger age groups in India. As per a report by NCRB, Deaths due to heart attack in youths is up by 53% in the past 5 years.
This survey report has left our health experts in a state of shock & concern. Heart Attack, which was earlier identified with elderly adults, has now become a very common medical condition among Youths, aging from 25 to 35 years.
If you are young adult, then you must take proper care of your heart health, else you too can be prone to sudden heart attack or stroke. Consult Dr.J.K.Padhi at the best cardiologist clinic in Bhubaneswar and SAVE your LIFE.
In this blog, we are going to discuss the primary reasons behind Heart-Attack and How to prevent a Heart-Attack. Stay Tuned, the information shared below can save your LIFE.
What Triggers
· Family History
· Diabetes and High Blood pressure in very early age
· Excessive Smoking& Alcohol consumption
· High-Cholesterol Diet
· Stress and Anxiety
Also, if you are not physically active and doing any kind of work-outs to reduce your obesity, then you are at high risk for Heart-Attack.Book an appointment today and visit the best cardiologist clinic in Bhubaneswar.
What are the possible
symptoms of Heart-Attack?
Anyone with consciousness can diagnosis his/her hearth health on own. Here are some common conditions to look after -
1. Getting Quickly Tired
2. Not able to do more of Physical works
3. Chest pain
4. Uneasiness while breathing
In case, you are witnessing the above symptoms, it’s for sure you need a check-up at the best cardiologist clinic in Bhubaneswar.
How to book an
appointment at the best cardiologist clinic in Bhubaneswar?
It is good for the citizens of Bhubaneswar that J.K.Padhi – One of the most successful cardiologists in Odisha is offering in-person consultation in Bhubaneswar. Currently Dr.Padhi is heading of Cardiology Department at AMRI Hospital. In the evening hours post 5 pm, you can find Dr.J.K.Padhi at his personal cardiology clinic in Patia – Cardio Care Centre.
Before visiting the cardiology clinic in Bhubaneswar, you must book an appointment. Visit website www.cardiocarecentre.in for more information.
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